Thursday, July 31, 2008

Yesterday was the 30th birthday of Louise Brown. For those of you who do not remember Louise, she was the world’s first Test Tube Baby. The first offspring of in vitro Fertilization. What makes this so remarkable, is that I remember the news story of that day in 1978 so vividly. Thirty years ago.


Now, let me put that in perspective. There are a lot of people out there today who are either too young to remember or too young to have even been born, but for those who do remember 30 years ago so vividly, allow me to take a look at the events that transpired just thirty years before I was born.




  • Benito Mussolini declared himself dictator of Italy
  • Calvin Coolidge has the forst presidential inauguration ever broadcast on the radio
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton, TN
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald published “The Great Gatsby
  • Adolf Hitler published “Mein Kampf
  • Scotch Tape was invented
  • George Bernard Shaw won the Nobel Prize for Literature


All of these events seem like ancient history, and yet, they all happened just thirty short years before I was born. And yet I recall some events of 1978 like they were yesterday, Hell, I recall my high school years and earlier with a lot of clarity. Yet there are people who were born in 1978 or later, like Louise Brown, who will look at many of the events of that year as ancient history. It really does put a lot of time in perspective. Now, look up the events that happened thirty years before you were born.

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